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Press Statement: Grand Opening of Lidl’s First Full-Service Grocery Store in Ward 7

September 27, 2022


September 27, 2022      

Contact: Takiyah “TN” Tate

ttate@dccouncil.gov | (202) 705-2980


Councilmember Vincent C. Gray’s Statement on the Grand Opening of Lidl’s First Full-Service Grocery Store in Ward 7

Washington, D.C. – Today, Former Mayor and current Ward 7 Councilmember Vincent C. Gray, will join Mayor Bowser, local government officials, Ward 7 leaders, Lidl representatives, neighbors, and business partners to celebrate the grand opening of Lidl’s first full-service grocery store in the District, in Ward 7.


Lidl U.S., a German grocery chain, inked a deal in 2019 to open its first full-service grocery store as an anchor for the long-awaited Skyland Town Center development. For the 170,000 people who live on the East End of the District in Wards 7 and 8, today is a huge win in our continuous fight to end food deserts on the East End of the District. Currently, there are only three full-service grocery stores servicing Wards 7and 8. The lack of full-service grocery stores and access to healthy food options has created food deserts in this part of the city for far too long.


Councilmember Gray released the following statement:

“Since my return to the Council as Ward 7 Councilmember, I introduced three East End economic development bills focused on ending food deserts in Wards 7 and 8 by incentivizing infrastructure and economic development that would bring much needed neighborhood amenities to the East End.  One of my East End economic bills targeted nine development sites in Wards 7 and 8, including Skyland, for retail, restaurants, and full-service grocery stores.  Now, the first to come, the Lidl at the Skyland Town Center in Ward 7, is the first full-service grocery store to open in Ward 7 in a decade and is Lidl’s first in the District.  This store will provide residents with greater access to healthier food options and serve as a vital retail anchor for the Skyland Town Center.


“I am pleased to have learned that as of today’s store opening, more than 90% of the employees recently hired at this new store are residents of Wards 7 and 8.  I applaud Lidl’s investment in our community and for leading the way.  Coupled with significant breakthroughs earlier this year for the long-stalled development of Capitol Gateway, Ward 7 is on the right path to achieving food access equity.


“Today’s Lidl grand opening is a great gain for Ward 7 as we continue to address persistent food deserts on the East End and further improve the lives of Ward 7 and District residents.  I am excited about the valuable location the East End provides for more retail, jobs, and hospitality opportunities.”


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Takiyah "T.N." Tate, Communications Director


(202) 705-2980